Showing posts with label jade war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jade war. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2019

Review: Jade War (Green Bone Saga #2) by Fonda Lee

Jade War (The Green Bone Saga, #2)
Jade War (Green Bone Saga #2) by Fonda Lee
Publication Date: July 23rd, 2019
Hardcover. 590 pages

About Jade War:

"On the island of Kekon, the Kaul family is locked in a violent feud for control of the capital city and the supply of magical jade that endows trained Green Bone warriors with supernatural powers they alone have possessed for hundreds of years. 

Beyond Kekon's borders, war is brewing. Powerful foreign governments and mercenary criminal kingpins alike turn their eyes on the island nation. Jade, Kekon's most prized resource, could make them rich - or give them the edge they'd need to topple their rivals. 

Faced with threats on all sides, the Kaul family is forced to form new and dangerous alliances, confront enemies in the darkest streets and the tallest office towers, and put honor aside in order to do whatever it takes to ensure their own survival - and that of all the Green Bones of Kekon."

Book #1: Jade City

Oh boy, where do I even begin this review? I thought Jade City was an intense ride, but apparently it was child's play compared to the events of Jade War! I'll admit, as excited as I was to finally have Jade War in my hands, I was almost a little nervous since I read Jade City back in 2017 and wasn't sure if it would live up the crazy expectations I was holding out for--and it ended up exceeding them!

It was so easy to jump back into the Green Bone Saga and the rife struggles between the No Peak and Mountain clans. Lee did a great job of setting the scene and making it easy to fall back into this world. When there's a long wait between books I tend to have a hard time getting back into the story and remembering past events, but something about how Lee gave gentle reminders of past events and continued the emotions and past plot points of the first book made it unbelievably easy to slide back into the story.

Something that I have grown to love about Lee's work is how well she develops her characters. There are no cookie-cutter types in these books; everyone stands out on their own as an individualized and independent person with a variety of motivations and traits that shape how they interact with the world around them. Hilo, now acting as Pillar, has immense amounts of pressure weighing down his shoulders, but he manages his role with a surprisingly adept ability and works hard to live up to his predecessors. Shae, now Weather Man to Hilo, has many of the same pressures as Hilo, though they manifest in different ways that force her to overcome her own unique obstacles. There's also Anden, Hilo's nephew, struggling to navigate his life after the fateful and dramatic decision he made in the first book. He grows a lot in this book and embarks upon some fairly life-changing courses of action that only added to the intensity of the story. Watching these three characters in particular navigate their new roles and the relationships that come with them was truly enjoyable and made for a fantastic reading experience. There are many other characters that we follow and whose POV we get to experience and it's safe to say that all of them are equally engaging.

If you thought the politics--from family politics to international-- economics, and clan tensions were intense in Jade City, braces yourselves because things move onto an entirely new level in this installment. One of my favorite things about this series so far is how Lee writes the political and economic aspects of her world. No matter what tensions or drama might be going on in the family or between clans, the current political situation, potential ramifications, and economic issues are also just as present and important, cementing the reality of this world. As readers, we are taken into many intense meetings with either Hilo or Shae (or both) and their trade partners, enemies, etc. so many different times in this book and it's utterly fascinating. You might think reading a discussion between two parties about trading jade or how to handle another economic situation might be on the dry side, but I promise you it is anything but in these books. The tension is at a near-constant presence in this book and as a result everything becomes gripping with edge-of-your-seat consequences as well.

The world-building continued to grow in so many exciting ways. In Jade War, Anden finds himself in Espenia, a foreign land that brings a lot of new experiences for him. I liked not only getting to explore a new land in this world, but also seeing how various cultures live and the differences between growing up in the No Peak clan surrounded by Green Bones and now experiencing a place where Green Bones are not (overtly) present or even allowed. I think it was a great way of showcasing how different people and various nations are, while also pointing out that the motivations and drive behind so many actions can still be similar on a human level.

Lee's action-heavy sequences are incredibly detailed and well thought out. It's obvious that she has done immense research to make everything as realistic and logical as possible, and it absolutely pays off. As I've mentioned before, I find it easy to lose my attention in high action sequences and drawn out fight scenes, but Lee manages to write them in ways where I almost don't even realize I'm reading them because they're just so captivating and accessible to follow.

Jade War has a mostly steady pace, taking time to expand upon areas that need it, while also knowing when it's a good time to speed things up a bit. There are frequent larger time jumps throughout Jade War, which admittedly did throw me off occasionally, but at the same time I appreciate how it helped keep the plot moving at a swift pace.

Overall, I can't help but give Jade War five stars! This is truly an incredible series and I highly recommend everyone to pick it up!

*I received an ARC of Jade War courtesy of Orbit books in exchange for an honest review. This has no effect on my rating or enjoyment of the novel.*

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

First Chapter Tuesday: Jade War by Fonda Lee & The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School by Kim Newman

First Chapter Tuesday is hosted every Tuesday by Vicki @ I'd Rather Be at the Beach. This is meme in which bloggers share the first chapter of a book that they are currently reading or thinking about reading soon. Join the fun by making your own post and linking up over at Vicki's blog, or simply check it out to find more new books to read!

This week's Top Ten Tuesday post was a freebie topic, and honestly, I haven't the slightest idea of what to do, so I'm taking this as an opportunity to jump in with a another First Chapter Tuesday! Today I'm featuring two books I'm planning to jump into soon: the first is Jade War, the highly anticipated sequel to the gritty and thrilling fantasy Jade City, and the latter is The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School, a book that's been sitting on my shelf for far, far too long--it's time to rectify that!

Jade War (Green Bone Saga #2) by Fonda Lee
Jade War (The Green Bone Saga, #2)Excerpt:


Heaven Awaiting

"It was madness to rob the grave of a Green Bone. Only someone with little regard for his own life would consider it, but if one was that sort of person, then tonight was the moment of opportunity. The cool, dry days of late winter had not yet given way to the incessant rain of spring, and low clouds obscured the rising moon over the tops of the trees in Widow’s Park. The streets of Janloon were unusually quiet; out of respect, people were forgoing their usual activities and staying home, hanging ceremonial spirit guiding lamps in their windows to honor the passing of Kaul Seningtun—national war hero, patriarch of the No Peak clan, the Torch of Kekon. So even though Bero and Mudt had taken the precaution of carrying no light, there was no one to take notice of their arrival at the cemetery."

I honestly don't even need this excerpt to make me excited to read this book...but it sure does help! Really looking forward to continuing this journey. I hope to get started in the next week or so!

Amazon | Book Depository | IndieBound

The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School by Kim Newman
The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange SchoolExcerpt:

First Term
I: A New Bug

"A week after mother found her sleeping on the ceiling, Amy Thomsett was delivered to her new school. Like a parcel.

When the down train departed from Exeter St. Davids, it was crowded with ruddy-faced farmers, tweedy spinsters and wiry commercial travellers. Nearer the end of the line, Amy had a compartment all to herself.

She first saw Drearcliff Grange through the train's smut-spotted windows. Shifted from seat to seat, she kept the school in sight as long as possible.

Amy hoped the name was misleading. It wasn't."

I've been meaning to read this book for years now, so I think it's time I finally get to it! It sounds like everything I love and that intro has me hooked!

What do you think? Would you keep reading these books? (And feel free to join in and make your own post!) 

*Excerpts are taken from the novel itself; I do not claim to own any part of the excerpt.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Jade War by Fonda Lee & The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams

Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlight is: 

Jade War
Jade War by Fonda Lee
Publication: July 23rd, 2019
Hardcover. 608 pages.

"In Jade War, the sequel to the World Fantasy Award-winning novel Jade City, the Kaul siblings battle rival clans for honor and control over an Asia-inspired fantasy metropolis. 

On the island of Kekon, the Kaul family is locked in a violent feud for control of the capital city and the supply of magical jade that endows trained Green Bone warriors with supernatural powers they alone have possessed for hundreds of years. 

Beyond Kekon's borders, war is brewing. Powerful foreign governments and mercenary criminal kingpins alike turn their eyes on the island nation. Jade, Kekon's most prized resource, could make them rich - or give them the edge they'd need to topple their rivals. 

Faced with threats on all sides, the Kaul family is forced to form new and dangerous alliances, confront enemies in the darkest streets and the tallest office towers, and put honor aside in order to do whatever it takes to ensure their own survival - and that of all the Green Bones of Kekon. 

Jade War is the second book of the Green Bone Saga, an epic trilogy about family, honor, and those who live and die by the ancient laws of blood and jade."
I know I've already mentioned this book a few times on here, but I'm just so looking forward to finally continuing this story! I loved the Asian setting and magic and politics systems were fascinating.

The Golden Hour
The Golden Hour by Beatriz Williams
Publication: July 9th, 2019
William Morrow
Hardcover. 480 pages.

"The Bahamas, 1941. Newly-widowed Leonora “Lulu” Randolph arrives in Nassau to investigate the Governor and his wife for a New York society magazine. After all, American readers have an insatiable appetite for news of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, that glamorous couple whose love affair nearly brought the British monarchy to its knees five years earlier. What more intriguing backdrop for their romance than a wartime Caribbean paradise, a colonial playground for kingpins of ill-gotten empires? 

Or so Lulu imagines. But as she infiltrates the Duke and Duchess’s social circle, and the powerful cabal that controls the islands’ political and financial affairs, she uncovers evidence that beneath the glister of Wallis and Edward’s marriage lies an ugly—and even treasonous—reality. In fact, Windsor-era Nassau seethes with spies, financial swindles, and racial tension, and in the middle of it all stands Benedict Thorpe: a scientist of tremendous charm and murky national loyalties. Inevitably, the willful and wounded Lulu falls in love. 

Then Nassau’s wealthiest man is murdered in one of the most notorious cases of the century, and the resulting coverup reeks of royal privilege. Benedict Thorpe disappears without a trace, and Lulu embarks on a journey to London and beyond to unpick Thorpe’s complicated family history: a fateful love affair, a wartime tragedy, and a mother from whom all joy is stolen. 

The stories of two unforgettable women thread together in this extraordinary epic of espionage, sacrifice, human love, and human courage, set against a shocking true crime . . . and the rise and fall of a legendary royal couple."
Beatriz Williams is a historical fiction author I keep meaning to check out, and this book sounds like as good a place as any to start! I'm always hesitant on my books set during WWII, but this setting and general plot setup sounds like a really new and interesting take.

What do you think about these upcoming releases? What are your anticipated upcoming releases?